Elissa? Matulis Myers...
is an innovative and creative executive, with more than 30 years of experience specializing in developing and growing associations.? A passionate advocate for effective, creative, and responsible leadership in associations, she can help you build consensus among volunteers and staff around your strategic direction ,? and? ensure that? your direction,? policies and procedures will be understood ,? consistent, and unambiguous. With extensive experience in helping associations expand internationally, she can help you put in place a powerful, practical global strategy.
?What a joy to find a Resource as complete and definitive? Add to that someone who displays the degree of PROFESSIONALISM, knowledge, and charm that you do and you have a combination that is hard to beat.? I like people who do good work, and you do good work.??
?Without exception, those in attendance at our Policy committee meeting felt your input and knowledge of the association industry added greatly to our deliberations??
?As usual, your outstanding session during our recent Association Management Seminar for our state Presidents and Executive Directors was rated the very highest on our seminar evaluation forms.??
?Thank you so much for taking the time and showing the interest to address our National Club Service Committee.? All of us attending this meeting were unanimous in our praise for your presentation and admiration for your obvious knowledge of association structure and chapter relations.? You really helped us to better understand the dynamics of our Federation.?
?Elissa is a very dynamic and charismatic leader. My experience in working with her was during her tenure as the CEO of The Electronic Retailing Association. The industry faced considerable challenges at the time she joined. Elissa focused on the future and set out a design and built it. I found her to be a great listener, a strong leader and a builder of good teams.?
Your help to clarify the Committee chairman-board of directors relationship was just what we needed.? a decision has been made to broaden our organizational structure by forming a committee level below our board.?