How We Operate
We work with you to understand your unique present situation, and to help you identify exactly where you need help. We develop a proposal that includes a thorough situational analysis, and a detailed description of the approach we ?propose to take.
Where needed, we will bring in to the process additional experts from a large network of colleagues to ensure that the best thinking is brought to bear on your situation.
We will involve all appropriate staff and volunteers to ensure that all relevant voices are heard, and to obtain buy-in. ?And we will file weekly "status" reports to keep you up to date on what we've been doing and what we've learned.
We guarantee your satisfaction -- and better yet, your delight. ?Period.
An Association?is one of the most powerful tools to help build a strong, representative Democracy, to support a healthy economy, and to ensure that the informed voice of an industry or profession is heard in the public policy process. Associations provide an invaluable service in helping members of an industry or profession share experience and expertise.? Too often resources are wasted and progress toward mission is thwarted by confusion and conflict over priorities and responsibilities.? Associations hum when volunteers and staff are aligned around a common mission, strategy, objectives, and tactics.? The rewards of good governance are progress and enthusiasm.
Advice & Consensus
Elissa Myers Consulting
5315 Moultrie Road
Springfield, VA 22151